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An Eastern Meadowlark visited here yesterday morning.  As far as I can tell, this robin-sized songbird was a transitory visitor.  What surprised me was the meadowlark was perched nearly all the way up in one of the large Oak trees that is next to the pond.  It was a very rainy day so maybe the Eastern Meadowlark did not want to wade through all the water that was on the pastures here.

Eastern Meadowlark enjoy hunting for their insect died in grassy pastures and natural meadows.  These birds are musical in their songs.  The Eastern Meadowlark has a buff colored undersides that area  streaked with a very dark brown.  It has a bright yellow patch on its breast and throat with a v shaped black marking on the upper chest.  The head is usually a pretty brown with yellow highlights and white streaks.  This is the first Eastern Meadowlark I have seen here on the farm.  Hopefully more of these beautiful birds will be around in the area.  I took these pictures from my porch in the rain on January 11, 2012 in the late morning.  The light was bad so I have used my photo-editing software to lighten up these pictures for a better look at the bird.  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the larger photograph.  Enjoy!

Comments on: "An Eastern Meadowlark Visits" (12)

  1. What a cheery bird you posted today! It is colder than cold and gloomy in Iowa right now. Ah, I miss these dears. They will graze our yard for grubs. We will suffer the lawn damage grubs create to feed the Meadowlarks and any other bird that may consume them. We used to live in town and used grub killer most summers, and now are relearning yard care so we can more enjoy the birds.

    I did learn this when I was trying to figure out if we had the right habitat for both Eastern and Western Meadowlarks. The Eastern will be more apt to perch on trees than will the Western. Westerns stay low on fence posts and such. This summer we were wowed when we had both Meadowlarks singing at the same time. Western on the well pole and Eastern on a tree.

    I like your new look. It’s been a few days since I’ve been here. I think it is neat you have all your tags showing down below. I don’t think my theme displays them all.

    • Hi Birding Bunch, I am a native of California who moved here to TN just a few years ago. That explains my puzzlement over the Meadowlark being in the tree. Thanks for letting me know that the Eastern Meadowlarks do perch in trees as a normal thing. I appreciate your thoughtful and interesting comments. By the way, I like Iowa very much and was in IA this past summer for several days (Fayette and Clayton Counties). Have a great day today!

  2. TexWisGirl said:

    i love these somewhat elusive birds, too! they fly off and away so easily.

    • Hi Texwisgirl, In Northern California where I once had a small two acre place, I often saw Western Meadowlarks in the pasture along the fence near a creek. Yes, they are pretty wary of people. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  3. Now you’re making me look forward to summer already. We just have the western version of them here, but they are strictly a spring and summer bird, late spring at that. We know when we hear their song the spring has really come.

    • Hi Montucky, I am glad you also have the Western version of this beautiful and cheerful bird. I am really hoping to see the Eastern version here more often – especially so in the Spring and Summer and Fall. Have a super good day tomorrow!

  4. I love the meadowlarks, there ceery yellow color is so pretty. great shots.

  5. They are a happy and unusual sight here, too! I have only ever seen them once or twice myself! You must have been beside yourself!

  6. What a neat bird, Linda…. I have not seen a Meadowlark before… Love that yellow color. You got some great photos.

    Got snow??? We have about an inch now and it’s still coming down… Glad we don’t have to go out tomorrow.

    • Hi Betsy, Thanks! Yes it snowed and still is snowing off and on. I think we got about an inch or so but it is hard to tell as it’s dark. I think it will be quite cold tomorrow. Have a good day and stay warm – we will.

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