Just another WordPress.com weblog about Nature and Wildlife

A Pause…

I will be taking about a month off from blogging as I am scheduled for two cataract surgeries next month.  With surgery my normal vision should return and I will be back to wildlife watching and taking better pictures.  I plan to be back to the blog in the first weeks of January 2013.   So, have a wonderful holiday season, and I will look forward to being back here in January!

Comments on: "A Pause…" (14)

  1. My prayers are with you, Linda, throughout this month… I’ll miss seeing your gorgeous birds—but this is the time for you to take a break and a rest… God Bless.

    • Hi Betsy, Yes, I am really going to be happy to have the operations. My eye-sight is getting so blurry I can’t see the ducks on the pond at all today. Like looking through wax paper with the left eye. So, the fix will be a good one! Have a great week and I know you will have excellent holidays!

  2. I hope the surgery goes well and that you enjoy the rest! I’ll be thinking about you and look forward to your return.

  3. I will be sending you healing thoughts. We will miss you, but we will see you when you are as good as new.

  4. i hope all will go well and your vision will be perfect! bless you!

  5. I wish you all the best with your cataract surgery. My thoughts and prayer are being sent you way!

  6. I will miss you and look forward to your return. I pray all goes well during the surgery.
    God bless you,

  7. Well, everyone is having them now. How far apart are yours? I will pray that they go well and you will have 20-20 vision in no time!!!

    • Hi Ginny, I am having the operations a week apart and I can’t wait to have the surgery. I am losing vision daily – like everything is blurry. I can see shapes with left and most things fairly OK with right but that eye also is going fast. Will happily get the surgery in order to once again see well. I am still in my 50’s but the kind of cataracts I have grow quickly. Within the last few months in fact. Thanks for the great thoughts and prayers. I so appreciate it. Have a wonderful holiday season – Merry Christmas!

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