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Posts tagged ‘Woodpeckers’

Sweet Songbirds

Eastern Blue Jay

I enjoy seeing all types of both songbirds and the exotic big birds here in Florid!  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger version of the photo.  Enjoy!


Eastern Bluebird

Red-winged Blackbird (male)


Pileated Woodpecker

Boat-tailed Grackle (male)

Cedar Waxwings

Woodpecker Wednesday

This Red-bellied Woodpecker was quite noisily chatty when flying between a Washington Palm and a bountiful acorn-filled Live Oak at the shoreline of the pretty Freedom Pointe Lake here in The Villages, Florida on Sunday morning, Dec. 17, 2017.  I just love these boisterous birds!  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger version of the photo.  Enjoy!

Almost Wordless Woodpecker Wednesday

I spotted this Red-headed Woodpecker while hiking in the Ochlockonee River State Park near the St. Mark’s National Wildlife Sanctuary in Florida last week.  I so enjoy seeing these beautiful woodpeckers!  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger version of the picture.  Enjoy!

Some Favorites

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at Tuscawilla Park in Ocala, FL

I have selected favorite photographs I have taken in Florida in the last three years to share here today.  I tend to love Wood Storks, all the different woodpeckers, assorted ducks, and the various herons and egret,s the best!  I hope you will like seeing these old favorites!

Wood Stork in The Villages, FL

A Little Blue Heron in The Villages, FL

A Green Heron in Dunellon, FL



A Great Egret in Breeding Plumage, The Villages,

Snowy Egret, The Villages, FL

A Pileated Woodpecker, Ocala, FL







A Male Downy Woodpecker

This tiny bird is a male Downy Woodpecker.  It is among the smallest of the woodpeckers in the United States.  You can tell it is a male by that red spot on the crown of its head.

The Downy was pecking away at a larger branch in my Live Oak Trees when I spotted it.  It flitted around from branch to branch in search of insects.  Sometimes when the bird drills or pecks it is done to communicate, other times the drumming or pecking is to drill a hole or enlarge a hole for either a nesting place, or a storage unit.  The other reason for pecking, is to discover and dislodge insects in the bark of the tree.

I always love seeing these birds!  This is the first woodpecker here in quite a long time.  I wish the light was better when I took the pictures.  The Live Oaks in the yard are gigantic and are very shady.  I had a hard time getting a decent picture and have resorted to heavy editing to show the bird in a way you can see a bit of what the fellow looks like.  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger picture.  Enjoy!

Woodpecker Wednesday: Downy Woodpeckers


Yesterday I spotted several Downy Woodpeckers.  I was thrilled to see a small flock arrive in my backyard Live Oak tree!  It had rained earlier and the songbirds and woodpeckers arrived to hunt insects in the swollen bark of the Oak.  I have never before seen five Downy Woodpeckers at once in the same tree.

I especially watched a tender young pair who were very interested in each other.  The male is the one with the red spot on the back of his head.  Downy Woodpeckers enjoy grubs, ants, spiders, small insects, and berries quite a lot.  Downy Woodpeckers are among the smallest of woodpeckers in the United States.

I am so glad to have seen the woodpeckers as woodpeckers are among my favorite birds. Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger version of the picture.  Enjoy!DSC_9132DSC_9104

(The male has the red spot)

It’s Woodpecker Wednesday!

DSC_3829 - Version 2I spotted this chatty Red-bellied Woodpecker in my backyard Live Oak Tree this past weekend.  It was playing peek-a-boo with me and I only got a quick few snaps taken before the bird flew off to other places.  I rarely see woodpeckers in my trees so I was thrilled when this one visited!  Hopefully, I will see it or its friends again.  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger picture.  Enjoy!


It’s Another Woodpecker Wednesday!


This cute Downey Woodpecker, a hen, was spotted recently pecking on the metal and plastic yard lamp in a neighbor’s front yard. Unfortunately and innocently, woodpeckers love pecking on hollow man-made objects as they enjoy the booming loud noise their drumming produces.  This bird circled the globe of the lamp.

This little gal is new to the neighborhood and is likely a migratory bird from up North.  It is no secret that I adore woodpeckers of all types; so, welcome little cutie to the neighborhood.  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger version of the picture.  Enjoy!


Woodpecker Wednesday: A Red-bellied Woodpecker on a Rail Fence

This Red-bellied Woodpecker was hunting for insects, likely Ants, in the crevices of a low wooden rail fence at a small park I visited on Monday afternoon.  The birds and animals at this park, probably see people all the time, which is why the bird was so close to where the parking lot and people were on this occasion.

This bird was not in any way concerned about anything other than catching its meal!  Please click on the thumbnail image to see the slightly larger photograph.  Enjoy!

A Woodpecker Wednesday Extravaganza!

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Male Downey Woodpecker

Male Downy Woodpecker

Here are some pictures of both a Red-bellied Woodpecker, and a tiny male Downy Woodpecker that were here on my street this last week.  I saw that Red-bellied Woodpecker across the street in my neighbor’s tree and on their home (I shooed it away gently as it was drumming on the metal flashing of the eves).

The Downy Woodpecker was looking for insects on my Magnolia Tree.  I love all of the woodpeckers and was just thrilled to see both of the birds here!  Please click on the thumbnail image to see a slightly larger version of that picture. Enjoy!

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker


Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker